domingo, 16 de setembro de 2012

Respira, relaxa, descontrai - Nããão estás a perder nada...

Aquela inquiteção aquele nervosinho, o olhar para todo o lado e o sentimento de insatisfação.

Eu viciada me confesso que tenho de verificar mail, facebook e instagram umas 10 vezes por dia - mas quando encontrei este texto através de um blog que já não me lembro qual - 

Parei, ri-me de mim própria e concluí - é mesmo isto!!
Our lives are often ruled by the Fear of Missing Out, or FOMO. (Never heard of FOMO? You’re missing out.)
Some ways we let the fear of missing out rule us:
  1. We check email, Facebook, Twitter and other social networks often, in case we’re missing something important.
  2. We try and do the most exciting things, and are constantly in search of exciting things, because we’re worried we might miss out on the fun that others are having.
  3. We constantly read about what other people are doing, and try to emulate them, because it sounds like they’re doing something great that we’re not.
  4. We often want to travel the world, because it seems that other people are living amazing lives by traveling all the time.
  5. We miss what we don’t have, miss places and people who we aren’t with.
  6. We work constantly, because we think if we don’t, we might miss out on opportunities other people will get.
  7. We feel like our own lives are poor in comparison with the great lives others are leading, and so feel bad about ourselves.
Zen habits

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